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My Application
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Completing the form below will not affect your credit score.
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First Name
Name Must Match With ID provided for Verification
Last Name
Mobile Number
Start typing to select address
Not seeing your address?
Click here to manually edit the address.
Unit #
Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Rent/Mortgage Payment
Estimate monthly housing cost. Homeowners, include all mortgage payments (first & second mortgages, and home equity loans). Renters, please enter monthly rent.
Residence Status
Please select
Residence Status
Gross Annual Income
Your before tax income can include commissions and tips. Please do not include non-applicant income. Inclusion of alimony or child support is optional.
By providing information about yourself in this pre-qualification and selecting the box to the left, you consent, acknowledge, and agree to the following:
You are providing written instructions to WECU under the Fair Credit Reporting Act authorizing WECU to obtain information from your personal credit profile or other information from a credit bureau. We cannot pre-qualify you if your credit reporting file is frozen or otherwise inaccessible.
You authorize WECU to obtain such information solely to provide you with credit pre-qualification offers and additional credit product offers.
Information contained in your credit report will be used to qualify you for an offer. An offer is not guaranteed. Loan approval is subject to verification of income, debt-to-income ratio, credit information, and application information needed to meet the minimum requirements established for the offer.
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I consent to be contacted by WECU about my application status through the information I have provided which may include email, SMS, or other communications.
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